SPRING Family Lunch & EGG HUNT
A fun, family event in Fellowship Hall following Worship

Youth Spring Retreat at Caswell
Join us this Spring as we discover what it means to not simply survive in our daily lives but to live a life of fullness in Christ. We are excited to hear from Tucker Kelly as he leads us in deeper understanding and application of the truths from God’s Word, spend time in authentic worship together, and have a great time on the campus of Fort Caswell together at our Spring Youth Conference. Come join us!

Summer Mission Trip: Deep Impact @ Shelby, NC
Join us for a week of missions serving the people of Cleveland County. This week-long mission trip gives you opportunities to serve others through: construction projects, children’s ministry, senior adult ministry, community outreach & evangelism. We will be staying at the Shelby Mission Camp and will have the opportunity to serve and worship with youth groups from all over NC. Cost is $100/participant – Deposits ($50) are due Sunday, March 30th; Remainder ($50) is due Sunday, June 1st

F.I.S.H CAMP for Grades K-5 & friends
F.I.S.H. Camp for completed Gr. K-5
Monday, June 23 - Thursday, June 26 (9 am -3 pm)
OPEN to kids that have completed Gr. K-4; “Counselor in Training” OPEN to rising 6th Graders ($40 for CIT)
Cost: $65 per camper

Please reserve July 14-17 for our VBS this summer! Our theme this year is TRUE NORTH: Trusting Jesus in a Wild World!

Children Summer Camp
TEEN VALLEY RANCH CAMP for rising Gr. 3-5
COST: $250; $50 deposit due in February to hold your spot
Location: Plumtree, NC
OPEN to rising 3rd – 6th Graders
Rising Gr. 3-5 will be at Kid’s Camp
Rising Gr. 6 will be at Middle School Camp

Christmas Eve Service
Join us Sunday evening at 7:30 PM for our Candlelight Christmas Eve Service. Our Handbell Praise Ringers will be providing preservice music starting at 7:00 PM.

Youth Winter Jam
Winter Jam Concert – Friday, February 14th
Meet in FBC bus parking lot at 4:45PM
Bring $15 CASH in an envelope marked with your name
You will need $$ to purchase dinner from the concession stands
We will return to church by 11:30PM

Community Youth Group
Join us at Centenary Methodist Church (140 E Market St.) for dinner, games & fellowship.

Youth Winter Retreat
Join us for a Winter Retreat @ Teen Valley Ranch in Plumtree, NC for the weekend of January 17-20, 2025. We will be leaving on Friday @2PM and will return Monday afternoon. This retreat will include time at TVR with other youth groups for worship, games & meals with one day at Beech Mountain to ski, tube or snowboard.
Price is based on which activity you choose:
Skiing - $285
Snowboarding - $295
Tubing - $230

Family Christmas Eve Service
Families with children… come join us for this interactive, hands-on service created for children 5th grade and younger.

Youth Progressive Dinner
Everyone is asked to meet at church in the bus parking lot. We will make a stop at 3 houses – Appetizers, Main Course & Dessert. Everyone is asked to bring a $10 wrapped or bagged gift to exchange at our last stop. *Ugly sweaters are encouraged to be worn.* Please sign-up to let us know if you can join us!

Youth Friendsgiving
The youth are invited to the Crumley’s for Friendsgiving. Everyone is asked to bring a side or dessert; the main course will be provided by Kevin & Taylor. Everyone is asked to meet at their house – please click the sign up for instructions.

DNOW Youth Weekend
Join us for a weekend of discipleship, service & fun! Our theme is "The Pause: Learning to Seek God." Based on Psalm 119:10-11 "I seek you with all my heart; do not let me stray from your commands. I have hidden your word in my heart that I might not sin against you." We will use this weekend as an opportunity to learn from scripture and one another how we can hear God's voice more clearly in our daily lives.
When? Nov. 8-10, 2024 (Kick-off with Dinner @6PM)
Where? FBC Ministry Center
How much does it cost? $100/student (This includes 5 meals, a t-shirt, student book & devotion, plus admission to our fun activity on Saturday night.)

Graduate Luncheon
Our high school and college graduates are invited to lunch after worship on Sunday, June 2nd to celebrate their graduation. If you would like to attend, please sign-up here and let us know who will be coming with you. Sign-up deadline is May 12th. https://www.signupgenius.com/go/10C0B4FAAAF2EA4F9C25-48794641-graduate

Faith & Families Night
The church family is invited to join us for Faith & Families Night at the Carolina Mudcats stadium. The mudcats will be taking on the Myrtle Beach Pelicans. Game starts at 6:30PM. Tickets are $9/seat. Concessions will be discounted to $3 for popcorn, ice cream, pretzels, nachos, Pepsi products and water. If you’d like to join us for the game, please sign up here. Sign up deadline is Sunday, May 5th https://www.signupgenius.com/go/10C0B4FAAAF2EA4F9C25-48794512-faith

Madsplatter in Apex
Join us on Sunday, May 19th as we meet for lunch right after church in the Fellowship Hall. We will then hop on the bus to go to Mad Splatter in Apex for a Splatter Party. Cost is $25/participant. Registration deadline is Wednesday, May 15th. Register here: https://www.signupgenius.com/go/10C0B4FAAAF2EA4F9C25-49260702-madsplatter

Youth Sunday
Join us as our youth group leads us in worship. The theme for this Sunday is “By Faith.” We will be diving into God’s word and focusing in on the text found in Hebrews 11:1-2; 8-18. After worship, everyone is invited over to the newly decorated Youth Room to see the space where our youth meet.

Youth Conference
This is a weekend Spring Retreat for our youth group (grades 6-12). The speaker for this weekend is Cameron McGill and worship leader is Tyler Lynch. Our youth are excited to participate and look forward to sharing about their experience as they lead worship on the 28th!

Holy Week Tenebrae Service
This will be a time of receiving the Lord’s Supper, scripture reading, prayerful reflection and music as we enter into Maundy Thursday and Good Friday.

Rush Hour Karting
Rush Hour Karting Trip – immediately following worship on Sunday, March 3rd our youth are invited to go with us to Rush Hour Karting in Garner, NC. We will all ride together in a van and we will eat lunch when we get there (a pizza bar including pasta, salad, tater tots & dessert). After lunch each participant will get to participate in 2 races that are 8 minutes long. Please note these are adult sized go-karts, students 14 and under will be assigned JR karts. Cost is $35/participant. TWO ways to pay: write a check to FBC and put in the memo line “Youth – Rush Hour Karting” OR go to our online giving and select the “youth ministry online” fund. Sign-up here: https://www.signupgenius.com/go/10C0B4FAAAF2EA4F9C25-47958712-rush

Youth/Parent Meeting
Youth/Parent Meeting – Immediately following worship on Sunday, February 25th our youth and their parents are invited to attend a meeting in the Fellowship Hall. We will go over the youth calendar, filling out permission forms & discussing summer camp. Lunch will be provided from Panera. Sign-up here: https://www.signupgenius.com/go/10C0B4FAAAF2EA4F9C25-47961575-youthparent to let Taylor know what you’d like to eat and if you can make it.

Deacons Meeting
Time is subject to change. This Deacons’ Meeting will be held as part of our retreat at the Sleep Inn Hotel in Smithfield. Members will be able to observe as in any other Deacons meeting, but please stay tuned as this time is likely to change.

Youth Fall Retreat
Calling all 6th-12th graders…we’re going to Caswell! The weekend will be filled with worship, Bible study, and plenty of free time on the beach!!
The retreat will encourage students to discover their God-given gifts and passions and how they can use those to make a difference in the people around them, in their communities and in the world RIGHT NOW.
Theme: Glow based off the guiding Bible verse: But you are a chosen race, a royal priesthood, a holy nation, God’s own people, in order that you may proclaim the mighty acts of him who called you of darkness into his marvelous light. - 1Peter 2:9
Cost: $100.00 - Scholarships are available!!
To Sign Up: Contact Kristen Tucker or call the church office

Kids Camp
Attention Parents of Children entering 3rd – 5th grade
I have met with the Children’s Ministers from 10 churches in Durham, Johnston & Wake counties to begin planning a weekend retreat for our children. There will be lots of games and outside activities plus worship and Bible studies. Please contact me if you would like for your child to attend.
Date: September 15-17, 2023 (Friday night – Sunday lunch)
Camp: Betsy-Jeff Penn (4-H Camp near Reidsville, NC)
Cost: $100/per camper by May 31, 2023
$120/per camper on or after June 1, 2023
Contact: Amy Galloway

Freedom Vespers at FBC Smithfield!
Starting at 6:00 PM come to First Presbyterian Church to grab a hot dog and then head over to the lawn of First Baptist Church for a concert by Damascus Ridge!
There will be great bluegrass gospel music including traditional favorites and original material, delivered with classic all acoustic bluegrass instrumentation with two-, three- and four-part harmonies. Leave with a smile on your face and a song inside.
Ice cream & Smithfield fireworks to follow!