Weekday Early Education
Train up a child in the way he should go and when he is old he will not depart from it. -Proverbs 22:6
Weekday Early Education is committed to providing a Christian based, age-appropriate curriculum for 2 year old through 5 year old children with the goal of creating a warm, loving child centered atmosphere based on the needs and interests of this age level. Our program uses the “WEE LEARN CURRICULUM” which is published by LifeWay Press along with other supplemental materials. Daily activities provide for the child’s social, emotional, intellectual, physical and spiritual development. Basic routines such as group time, organized free play, clean up, bathroom, snack, rest, and outdoor play are carried out each day to help the child develop a sense of regularity and security. Children participate in a variety of activities such as art, writing, books, home living, blocks, puzzles and manipulatives, nature, and music. The children also learn to take turns, share, plan, work, and play with others.
Hours: 9:00 a.m. - 12:00 p.m.
Ratios: The classes may be smaller, but will not exceed the following:
2 year olds – 12 children : 2 teachers
3 year olds – 14 children : 2 teachers
4 year olds – 16 children : 2 teachers
Each class is based on the public school cut off dates in North Carolina. A child should be two, three, or four by August 31 to be enrolled in that age group.
A non-refundable registration fee of $80.00 is due when a child enrolls for Weekday Early Education.
Monthly fees are due the first of each month and are as follows:
3 day – M-W-F – $200.00 2 & 3 years olds
5 day – $240.00 4 year olds
For families with more than one child in the program, there is a $20 discount per month for the second child.
Registration for the 2025-26 School Year
Registration Dates:
March 3-6 • WEE Students & Siblings
March 7-10 • First Baptist Church Families
March 11 • Public Registration 8:30a-4:00p • Names will be taken throughout the day, and depending on the number of positions available, names will be drawn at random.
You can download registration forms below, and they can be turned in at W.E.E. or to the church office at First Baptist.