

Matthew 28:19

We are called to be His light! Find out what mission opportunities are available for you below!

Clothes Closet

The clothes closet has been in existence for thirty three years. The clothes closet is housed in the back of Colbert Ministry Center (located on 5th street). The clothes closet is open on Mondays and Thursdays from 9:30 am to 12 pm (noon) each week.

In 2024, we served 1,773 families and gave 36,268 pieces of clothing to them. There are 4 volunteers each Monday and Thursday who assist the clients. The only thing customers needs is an ID to register and then each person receives a bag for their clothes and a list telling them the number of pieces of clothing they can get for each member of their family. Clients can visit the clothes closet once a month and we record the number of items we give out each month; all clothes are free. Customers will also hand out Bibles, Sunday School literature, hygiene kits, and food if someone needs it.

DONATIONS: The clothes closet depends on the generosity of our church members and community people for donations of clean gently used clothes, shoes, socks, hats, pajamas, and belts.

First Baptist Smithfield Community Kitchen

The Community Kitchen prepares and distributes meals and food to many areas of our county. Plates are prepared each Monday to go to shut-ins, disabled and food insecure people. Frozen meals and canned goods are available in our church office. Every Friday during the summer, the Unto Me ministry delivers meals to children and their families in need. Bread is picked up on Thursdays to be given away to families. Our prayer is that no person should go without food.


The ‘UNTO ME’ MINISTRY originally served as a resource for the BackPack Buddies program, a program that provided food for South Smithfield Elementary children on weekends. The ‘UNTO ME’ MINISTRY has evolved to serve not only South Smithfield Elementary families, but our community. Jennifer Narron-Hardy is notified by the school guidance counselor if there is a student/family in the school who may need food or other things. Needed items are delivered to homes after school or during the weekend. During the summer, meals are delivered every Friday to those in need.  Anyone in our community who has a need can call the church office or Jennifer Narron-Hardy directly. 

The Christmas Silent Partner Program has been active at FBC for years and is now a part of the ‘UNTO ME’ MINISTRY. FBC collects gifts and delivers them to some of the families in our community served through the ‘UNTO ME’ MINISTRY.


The ‘UNTO ME’ MINISTRY collects the following items all year long! Donations can be dropped off at the church office. Please label your donations ‘UNTO ME’ MINISTRY - Jennifer Narron-Hardy. 

  • individual bags of goldfish/chips

  • individually wrapped Little Debbie snacks

  • small cereal boxes/Pop-Tarts

  • fruit snack pouches

  • easy to open canned items (e.g., veggies/fruits, Mac and Cheese, Chef Boyardee)

  • juice boxes/ juice pouches/water bottles/Gatorade


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