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F.I.S.H CAMP for Grades K-5 & friends

GRADES K-5 F.I.S.H. Camp a week of having FUN IN SERVING HIM!  

THEME: Who IS My Neighbor?

BIBLE STORY:  The Good Samaritan

WHEN:  JUNE 17-20; TIME:  9:00 am - 3:00 pm

WHO: Kids currently in Grades K-5

WHERE:  FBCS Fellowship Hall

COST: $40 per camper for the week


EACH DAY we will have a Devotional,  a Mission challenge, use our hands and feet to make a difference, and enjoy LOTS of  SUMMER FUN!  

CAMP MORNINGS will be filled with guest speakers, Hands-On Mission Projects, and delivery of these projects in Smithfield.

CAMP AFTERNOONS will be filled with excursions to enjoy some fun "PLAY" ADVENTURES with friends!

PARENTS will receive a schedule of activities the week before camp that will tell you what we will be doing and/or what to bring each day.  

LUNCH:  Campers will bring a LUNCH on Monday - Wednesday.  On Thursday, we will be making our own lunch.

CAMP FEE: Please pay in the FBCS church office by Sunday, May 19.

June 3

Preschool F.I.S.H Camp (Ages 3-5)

July 15

VBS: Scuba!!